Media Resource

We want to talk to you! Keeping It REAL Caregiving is available to speak to the media for input, reaction, commentary, and perspective on REAL experiences as a family caregiver.

Our creator, Julia Yarbough, or one of the thousands of KIRC social media followers can likely help you find the exact source for REAL stories from individuals facing caregiving challenges.

For media inquiries & public speaking booking:

Julia Yarbough, Keeping It REAL Caregiving

Connect with REAL caregivers


16K+ followers – many whom are family caregivers

Substack Newsletter

6.2K Subscribers – with niche experiences

KIRC YouTube Playlist

Professionally produced video stories and interviews with family caregivers

Broadcast Journalist

On-air news anchor with more than 25+ years on air, moderator/emcee – family caregiver

Looking for media commentary?

Keeping It REAL Caregiving is happy to work with you!