Project Description
For me, it’s a toss-up between Raiders of the Lost Ark and Romancing the Stone (yes, I’m going w-a-y b-a-c-k)!
This question is to put you into a mindset of thinking about how and why we, as a society, choose to document history. And when I say history, I mean STORIES. OUR STORIES.
I’ve always considered our lives to be a grand stories with each chapter overflowing with locations, scenes, characters, plot twists and turns and hopefully, only minor drama but plenty of romantic comedy.
Curious how it all fits together? You can read the full article on family history and archeology in the Keeping it REAL Caregiving BLOG.
So what does any of this have to do with caregiving and aging? Well, consider this: if you are a family caregiver by default, you may find yourself becoming an historian and archeologist and it is your elder(s) who become(s) the subject matter(s).

Video Journals
One of the great aspects of Keeping it REAL Caregiving, is that as we evolve on this journey together, I hope to have the opportunity to capture more of YOUR stories and share those with others.
It has been a long-time desire of mine to focus my skills on documenting real-life accounts from elders, so having you along for this Keeping it REAL Caregiving journey feels amazing!
How to become a family historian and archeologist
I’m not the only one who sees the value in collecting these personal accounts before someone passes.
A South-Florida based business owner is moving into her own ‘new chapter’ by focusing her skills on documenting history – first hand – by capturing the real-life stories of elders and others.
I spent some time chatting with Nancy Leve about her ideas and I think you’ll enjoy her vision.