Project Description
Prescriptions for living your best life from someone who TRULY knows is a fun walk down memory lane with a family elder.
I recently had the chance to meet the father of one of my friends. Bruce Jans is also a storyteller and videographer. We met shortly after I first moved here to Chico in Butte County, Northern California.
Once I started collecting information and stories about elders, he told me that he too, helps take care of his father. Of course, I asked, “How old is your dad?”

Courtesy: Bruce Jans
When he told me his father was in his mid-90’s… well, I was like, WOW! At that age, I’m thinking of someone who might not be able to get around any longer. Someone who is on plenty of medications to handle health issues. I’m envisioning someone who needs help taking care of basic daily needs.
Can I tell you how surprised and impressed I was when I finally met Mr. John T. Jans?? This guy is an older-dude powerhouse! Seriously – he should be the poster man for some of the aging products we are now seeing advertised more often.
Mr. Jans was willing to sit down with me and talk about his life, his career and his family. We talked about some of the events he has seen the world encounter and overcome (and not all are good). We talked about his wife and what it means to love someone but then go on living a full life once that person passes.
One of the things I enjoyed most about chatting with Mr. Jans was his sense of humor. He was sarcastic in a fun way and I could tell that he probably had this same approach throughout his life. He just didn’t seem to take things too seriously – even his age and the reality that at some point, this great, fun ride we call life… will come to an end.
I hope you enjoy this interview with Mr. Jans as much as I did.
To read more, you an also visit the new Keeping it REAL Caregiving Newsletter home on Facebook Bulletin. Remember, you can find news, information and stories about family caregiving across several of the KIRC platforms – and I invite you to SUBSCRIBE to the newsletter and also share it with your friends!