Project Description

Long term care options – what you NEED to know and why, is more important than what many of us may realize.

Folks, I can tell you – I wish I had known more about how long term care coverage options work BEFORE I purchased a plan.

Don’t get me wrong. Having something was better than having nothing.

That’s the focus of this interview with financial literacy expert Vickie Frazier-Williams. In full disclosure, we are long-time friends and former colleagues. Both of us have a background in broadcast news. That means we are reporters. To break that down, that means we approach most issues with the ‘who, what, where, why, when and how’ technique. Basically that means – ask plenty of questions until you fully understand an issue.

Learning about long term care options is no different. As we are all learning about many aspects of family caregiving, it is not easy. The topic is not fun. It can be exhausting and emotionally draining. BUT – and this is a HUGE but: it is something we all MUST think about.

Seriously. I want you to consider this segment a ‘starter lesson’ in long term care options. Not to mention, this isn’t just for an elder. This is something we should be thinking about for ourselves.

In this interview, Vickie explains some of the reasons why we should take the step of researching, reviewing and getting something in place. For the women out there… this topic may be even MORE important. Why? Because many of us tend to devote much of our energy and resources caring for other people. At some point, we need to make sure we are thinking about ourselves and putting the correct safety-nets in place for our own futures!

I’m excited to help many of you start to wrap your minds around steps you can take NOW that can help you in the FUTURE! Not only for this topic, but many others as well.

If you don’t have time to watch the full interview, not to worry. You can listen to the PODCAST version as well! KIRC makes it easy for you to get helpful information.

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