
Aging LGBTQ and Why it Matters


Aging LGBTQ and Why it Matters explores growing awareness of the need for recognizing all segments of an aging population. In this episode of Keeping It REAL Caregiving On-Air, we are diving into not one, but two societal issues and how they are connected. Diversity and Equity What does it mean to age when one ...

When your loved one crushes your spirit


When your loved one crushes your spirit, it can leave you feeling angry, demoralized or just plain empty. How do you cope with and protect your emotions when someone is mean to you? Especially when it is someone close to you? Why you gotta be so mean? What might that ...

Managing self care, our money and more!


Managing self care, our money and more! It's one of the episodes in the Keeping It REAL Caregiving video series Sunday Coffee Chat & Support Hour! There are so many topics that intersect with family caregiving. There are also hundreds of women and men who are living the experience - or - work in fields ...

Intergenerational friendship: Alaska to California


Intergenerational friendship Alaska to California is more than just a blog post or video interview. This segment truly drives to the heart of what it means to forge bonds across age groups, distance and time. Everyone has a story   I've always believed there is a story (and reason) behind each person we cross ...

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