Monthly Archives: January 2023

29 01, 2023

Tragedy, trauma and glimmers of hope

By |2023-01-29T18:01:19-08:00 29th, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Caregiving Calendar plus REGISTER for a KIRC presentation with San Diego State UniversityMoments of trying to make sense of the events across our nation the past several weeks have left me exhausted and empty. Anyone else feeling the same? Reading and/or watching news reports have me questioning, ‘What type of insidious rot is eating through ...

25 01, 2023

Once it is over it is over

By |2023-01-25T13:15:10-08:00 25th, 2023|Uncategorized|3 Comments

REFLECTIONSHello Keeping It REAL Caregiving family -For this post, I wanted to share some thoughts and reflections with all of you. Consider it somewhat of a pep-talk. Especially during those moments when you are feeling crazy amounts of overwhelm in your role as a caregiver.These musings came about after a brief weekend visit from the ...

19 01, 2023

He never saw it coming! What an unexpected event taught one man about caregiving

By |2023-01-19T18:00:52-08:00 19th, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

In Your Own Words: Losing my independence was hardHello KIRC family! It is Thursday and time for the next installment of the Keeping It REAL Caregiving ‘In Your Own Words’ segment.Today’s feature puts a spotlight on caregiving, but in this case it is not focused on an elder, or a child caring for a parent. ...

3 01, 2023

Setting resolutions or 🏆goals? 4 'To-Do' items we really should do!

By |2023-01-03T16:00:52-08:00 3rd, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Isn't peace of mind worth the effort?Happy New Year KIRC fam!By a show of hands, how many of you have been thinking about what to put on your resolution lists?Does it by any chance include the yearly regulars? You know the items I’m talking about… Note: This ready-made template had the resolution items already created. ...

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