RESPITE CARE roll-out? A pilot program, news you can use and NOMINATE your Caregiver of the Month!

Hello KIRC family!
Your correspondent is just returning from a productive week attending a media conference with journalists from all over the country.

The good news for KIRC? An individual who holds a prominent position within one of the major national networks is following this KIRC journey. He shared with me that he is learning the importance of caring for our elders.
Having said that, share with KIRC in the discussion section – what are two things you believe larger, national media outlets can do to further the educational messaging surrounding the needs of family caregivers?
Sunday Coffee Chat
Thank you to those of you who joined us for the most recent episode of the Sunday Coffee Chat and Support Session.
We had a wonderful discussion about how we learn to cope, when the person we are caring for – is mean to us.
If that has ever happened to you (and I suspect it probably has at one point or another), be sure to check out our session.
Several of those joining shared valuable insights and observations about how they navigated these emotional waters.
If you missed it you can watch the full episode here.
Did you know?
Did you know August 7, 2022 was not only our Sunday Coffee Chat & Support Session but it was also National Friendship Day?

How appropriate that we all gathered to lend an ear and encouragement!
Within the world of family caregiving, I propose we consider each day Friendship Day.
Why? Because it is more important than ever for all of us to create our own personal care circles.
I challenge you to take time out of your busy schedules to:
Reach out to a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while, just to check in on them and say hello.
If you have an older neighbor, make time to visit. Ask them how you can assist with weekly errands or simply ask if they need help with a trip to the store.
Use your social media for good and positive interactions. Take a break from the gossip, the drama and the nonsense! Focus on content and individuals who can lift you up and whom you can return the favor.
Create an exercise for yourself. Imagine you have some kind of medical (or other) emergency. Who are the people closest to you who you know you could count on to be there for you? Planning out this scenario in advance does wonders for helping you figure out who should be in your care circle.
Simply moving through this list can help us begin to consider what our lives might look like as we age. It can force us to think about the possibility that yes, we just might need help one day. Who will be there to help us? Who can we trust to be there, no matter what?
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Save the date
Along those same lines, mark your calendars for Sunday, August 21, 2022.
That is when we observe National Senior Citizens Day. This will be a wonderful opportunity to recognize an older American who is sharing their knowledge and life expertise with others.
If you live in one of the following states: Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Wisconsin – you’ll want to take a look at this!
The National Academy for State Health Policy is doing a deep dive into how to better create meaningful and helpful respite programs for family caregivers.
I encourage you to set aside a few minutes and check out this information.
Employment opportunity
Justice In Aging has an employment opportunity available. The organization is looking for a Senior Attorney/Elder Rights.
To learn more about this position, click here.
California Medi-Cal
For Californians, there are new guidelines for income eligibility for some Medi-Cal programs. The new law took effect July 1, 2022.
Excerpt: Beginning July 1, 2022, a new law in California increased the asset limit for Non-Modified Adjusted Gross Income (Non-MAGI) Medi-Cal programs. Non-MAGI programs generally provide health care for seniors, people with disabilities, and individuals who are in nursing facilities, as well as some other specialty groups.
To learn more about your household eligibility, click here:
Caregiver of the Month

Do you know a caregiver (family or professional) who goes above and beyond in their duties caring for a loved one or client? Let’s honor them!
KIRC is set to launch a new feature – Caregiver of the Month – to recognize those who work hard to help us care for our loved ones.
Submit the name and contact information of your nominee, with a brief description of why you believe they should be selected.
Consider items such as years of work, kindness and respect to loved ones or clients, dedication, positive attitude – or whatever it is you believe makes your nominee ‘the best of the best!’
Selected nominees will be notified by email in advance to be featured on the Keeping It REAL Caregiving website and newsletter, receive a Certificate of Appreciation and a small gift card prize reward!
It is our way of saying THANK YOU for their hard work and dedication!
Submit Here and recognize a nominee for the September award
Until next time ~ be kind to others and yourselves!
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