Your KIRC caregiving calendar, reader shout-outs & news from around the web

Welcome to March, 2022!
Keeping it REAL Caregiving is diving into this new month by first recognizing we started day one celebrating Mardi Gras.
At a time when current news and world events feel overwhelming (I don’t know about you but the sense of helplessness I feel watching the destruction in Ukraine is immense), at least there is small comfort in a time-honored tradition (a little something is better than nothing).
March is also when we recognize and celebrate Women’s History. And just like Black History, I don’t believe the accomplishments of women the world over can be placed into a 31-day window, but rather we should acknowledge pivotal points for women throughout the year.
That is especially true for family and professional caregivers, with those roles overwhelmingly still held by women.
According to AARP and the Caregiving in the U.S. 2020 Report, of the roughly 53-million adult caregivers in the United States, 61% are women.
To continue recognizing various accomplishments, throughout this month KIRC will be sharing more information and stories focused on women who we can all learn from.
Social Media Shout-Out
KIRC recently offered up a ‘Thank You ‘on social media to recognize National Caregivers Day. The response and gratitude was overwhelming which tells me, many simply want acknowledgement of just how important (and taxing) this role can be.
I propose we make these expressions of support and thankfulness a daily habit – not just on one day or during one month of the year.
Do you have a caregiver you would like to recognize and give a special shout-out? Submit their name and a brief back-story so KIRC can share it with others!
Reader Q&A/Feedback
KIRC recently published several bulletin updates featuring a Reader Q&A about what you should know if you or a loved one has to enter a rehabilitation facility.
Mom had a stroke! What do I need to know about rehab? Five steps to get started
What’s going on inside rehab? Reader Q&A Part II
After these articles, another reader reported that her mother was also in rehab and found the information about asking for regular showers extremely helpful!
Makai writes, “I’m a pretty loud advocate. 😆 I got them to give her a shower today. Also went over her medication list with the nurse. Discovered some differences, she said she would take it up with the in-house Doctor. Then I helped feed her lunch. Sooo good to see her after 2 weeks! 😄”

Courtesy: Makai
Let’s all extend a warm virtual hug to our KIRC family member and her mother!
Upcoming events
The California Department of Aging is leading the charge to build out the state’s Master Plan for Aging. It includes five key components to address the state’s aging population, how we care for those elders – and – those caring for them!
Mark your calendar for an upcoming online event.
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
10:00 AM Pacific (online event)
Webinar Wednesday: CalAIM Community Supports: Leveraging Aging & Disability Partnerships
Event description: California’s Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) initiative offers important opportunities for a “whole person” approach to care delivery, including access to community supports. This month’s webinar will highlight best practices and opportunities for the aging and disability communities to partner with Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans and build capacity for the delivery of community supports to older adults and people with disabilities.

❇️ Liking what KIRC is dishing up💛, share it with your circle of family & friends
News from around the web
Keeping it REAL Caregiving is giving a shout-out to Kentucky investigative journalist John Charlton, with WHAS 11-TV in Louisville.
Last November he talked with us about his ongoing investigations into how some nursing homes were accepting government payments for Covid-19 relief, while at the same time still owing fines for previous violations.
Kentucky journalist investigates nursing homes, violations, fines & government payments
In a subsequent investigation he dug through records to learn who else might be living in long term care facilities alongside our loved ones.
He discovered another layer of information we should consider: sex offenders.
His work has now garnered the attention of lawmakers who are reviewing existing loop holes. Nice work!
An update from California regarding new rules for Medicare claims.
KIRC has previously touched on the issue of understanding your coverage for Medicare, especially how doctors classify your hospital stay. This new development goes to the heart of why that distinction is so important.
According to the New York Times…
A New Right to Appeal Medicare Decisions
First, a federal appellate court recently ruled that if Medicare declines to pay for your rehabilitation in a nursing home after you’ve left the hospital, because you were “on observation,” you can appeal the decision.
And finally…
What are you doing this Sunday, March 6, 2022?
@ 8:30 AM Pacific/ 10:30 AM Central/ 11:30 AM Eastern
KIRC hopes you’ll take a few minutes to join us for our next Coffee Chat & Support Hour!

Join the event here:
Join me and my guest, Kandis Draw. She is not only a caregiver, but Kandis is also the National Illinois Advocate with Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance.
We’ll be talking about the crucial role women play in caregiving and why it is so important to support each other. (Men, this one is just as important for you so hope to see you!)
Grab your favorite cup of java or tea and get ready to dish! See you Sunday morning!
All for now; until next time~

🎤 Looking for a professional 🗣speaker, moderator or host🗨 for your next event? Contact Julia for details
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