In this KIRC update: A round-up of some end-of-year events you don’t want to miss

Hello KIRC family! Well, here we are inching towards the end of another year! Are you saying to yourselves right now, “Wow, where has the time gone??”

I trust you all had a warm and nourishing (nutritionally, physically and emotionally) Thanksgiving holiday?

I do hope you had a chance to read, absorb and put into practice some of the musings I shared about embracing those cherished moments.

A heartfelt thank you to those of you who reached out to say that story moved you and brought tears to your eyes. I appreciate all of you!

November 2021 & ready to kick off the final month of 2021!

But now, as we turn our attention to the next few weeks in December and the final opportunities for 2021, I do want to share with you a few upcoming events online (which means you can join from anywhere), and a few newsworthy items you may have missed.

*If you are planning an event in your area or know of one you think others would be interested in, jump into the discussion and share. KIRC would love to hear from you – let’s help each other out!*

December 2021 Events

American Society on Aging – Generations Forums

Monday, December 6 – Friday, December 10, 2021 (various times- consult schedule)

Each day this coming week, the American Society on Aging is hosting a series of online forums. There is a registration fee for this program, but the lineup is impressive. There will be plenty of opportunities to learn, interact and come away with solid information.

This is how ASA describes the event: ASA’s Generations Forums are virtual, interactive, multiday deep dives into topics important to our members and society. Held three times per year, Forums offer the ability to learn, network and take action through a series of curated live and on-demand events over the course of one week. Now the idea-generation and network-building that occur organically at our annual conferences will continue throughout the year, at Generations Forums.

Register online here

Encore.Org and Third Act – Co-generational Activism

Thursday, December 9, 2021, 1PM Pacific/ 4PM Eastern

Many of you who are caregivers know that quite often, just because an individual is older, doesn’t mean they no longer have something valuable to contribute to the world around them.

Think about some of the incredible conversations you have had with family members or clients. So many of our elders have skills and insight that is not being tapped into.

That’s the focus of this event. I love the concept of connecting generations to focus on impacting change.

Here’s how the invite describes what you’ll find when you register: Author and climate activist Bill McKibben recently launched Third Act, a new effort to activate older Americans as a force for social good. His reasoning? People over 60 often have the time, money and skills to do the work — and the planet needs their experience.

Register online here

PASSAGES Caregiver Resource Center – Benefits to Caregiving

Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 12PM Pacific / 3PM Eastern

All of us who are caregivers know it can sometimes be overwhelming. Throw the holiday season into the mix and it can become like a hurricane swirling around you.

To help us put these moments into perspective, PASSAGES is offering a FREE online session to offer some guidance and support.

I have worked closely with PASSAGES during this past year and I can tell you, the team is dedicated to serving the needs of elders and those caring for them.

Here’s how a portion of the invite reads: The holiday season is here, which can bring some extra tasks on your “to do list” when caring for a loved a one. Join us for an informative Zoom session.

Register online here

So you see, we may be winding down the year, but there is no shortage of activity when it comes to the discussion surrounding caregiving.

Speaking of discussion…

  • What topics would you like to see, read and learn more about?

  • How can KIRC better serve you as we move into 2022?

  • Who should KIRC work to track down to secure interviews?

Let me hear from you if you have story ideas – OR – would like to share YOUR personal journey via a guest essay. Can’t wait to connect! Jump into the discussion!

That’s all for now; until next time~

#ICYMI – #News From Around the Web – #FYI

Administration Enacts the No Surprises Act

I remember getting a bill for an ambulance transport for my mother in excess of $3,000! Luckily it was covered via her various insurance platforms, but just imagine if it had not been? So, for any of you who have received a staggering hospital bill for something you THOUGHT was covered, you might want to familiarize yourself with this.

California Department of Insurance

Earlier this year KIRC talked with a financial planner about the importance of Long Term Care Insurance and how it works.

The California Department of Insurance has a Long Term Care Insurance Task Force fully in place. There are a number of meetings scheduled to kick off 2022 delving into how to make coverage more accessible, affordable and comprehensive. You can join the final meeting of 2021 set for Thursday, December 16, 2021.

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Need a professional speaker, moderator or host for your next event? Contact Julia for details

*Header Image Courtesy Getty Images/Anna Blazhuk