PLUS: Let’s talk about fellowship opportunities & Are YOU ready for Medicare?

Hello KIRC family!

As we kick off a new month and the official second half of 2023, today’s newsletter returns to a calendar of upcoming events, several opportunities within the field of aging, and a heavenly birthday recognition.

Medicare Education

It is about that time of year when we start to see dozens of different companies airing commercials about offerings for Medicare coverage. I think we all agree – it can be confusing to navigate!

However, if you or someone close to you is turning 65 this year, it is important to understand your options, when to enroll, and what coverage is available in your area. It is also crucial to choose the correct options to avoid penalties for late enrollment.

For KIRC readers located in the Northern California – Butte County region, take advantage of an in-person event hosted by PASSAGES. IT IS FREE!

Welcome to Medicare-In-Person Workshop!
Day/Time: July 13th 1pm-3pm 
Location: Butte County Library, Chico Branch @ 1108 Sherman Avenue

Registration is required! Click here to register:

For questions or assistance with registration, please contact Victoria Brennan, Community Relations Coordinator at 530-898-6715.

Then, mark your calendars for August 9, 2023 for a similar ONLINE session – which means you can take part from anywhere.

For more information and registration, click here

No matter where you live, you can also reach out to the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) – to get help figuring out the best choices for your Medicare coverage. Find your state’s office to seek guidance.

Related Segments

Reporting Abuse

Incidents of elder abuse are reported in communities around the country. Statistics indicate one in ten individuals over 60 are victims of abuse. According to the National Council on Aging, it is often at the hands of a family member.

Thursday, July 6, 2023
Hosted by: Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center

Event description:

Each California County has an Adult Protective Services agency to help older adults and dependent adults when they cannot meet their own needs or are victims of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. This workshop will provide an overview of reporting responsibilities, definitions of abuse, what signs to look for, and how to make a report.

Register here:

*Note: This session may be specific to California guidelines and laws. If you believe there may be instances of abuse involving someone you love, reach out to your local law enforcement agency and/or Area Agency on Aging to ask for guidance.

Aging, Smell & Depression: Is There a Link?

New research from the Gerontological Society of America points to a decline in one of our prime sensory functions, as an indicator of increased risk for depression.

An excerpt from the release explains…

In a study that followed more than 2,000 community-dwelling older adults over eight years, researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine say they have significant new evidence of a link between decreased sense of smell and risk of developing late-life depression.

Their findings, published in The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, do not demonstrate that loss of smell causes depression, but suggests that it may serve as a potent indicator of overall health and well-being.

“We’ve seen repeatedly that a poor sense of smell can be an early warning sign of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, as well as a mortality risk. This study underscores its association with depressive symptoms,” said Vidya Kamath, PhD, an associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

“Additionally, this study explores factors that might influence the relationship between olfaction and depression, including poor cognition and inflammation.”

For further information, read here.

Fellowship Opportunities

Gerontological Society of America Journalists in Aging Fellowship

Calling all journalists! The deadline to apply for this fellowship opportunity is approaching – July 14, 2023.

Your correspondent was selected as a 2020 GSA Fellow. I highly urge anyone interested in learning more about the wide range of stories to be covered within the field of aging to apply for this opportunity.

Apply for the 14th Journalists in Aging Fellows Program by Friday, July 14, 2023.

Apply here

Fellows from both mainstream and ethnic/community media receive $1500, plus travel expenses to attend the Gerontological Society of America Scientific (GSA) Meeting in Tampa, Fla., in November.

For details contact Liz Seegert: or (516) 225-9636; Todd Kluss at or (202) 587-2839; or Paul Kleyman,, (415) 821-2801.

Cosponsors are GSA and the Journalists Network on Generations.

The Age Boom Academy – Columbia University


The Age Boom Academy is Columbia University’s signature media training program for reporting on the opportunities and challenges of increased longevity. The 2023 edition will focus on the housing crisis facing older Americans. Seven years from now, all Baby Boomers will be over 65 — representing 21% of our population. Beyond 2030, the U.S. population is projected to age considerably and become more racially and ethnically diverse. Simply put, we know this generation and the ones to follow will live long lives. But where? And how well? And most importantly, how will housing affect their state of health?

The deadline for journalists to apply is July 21, 2023

There is no cost for accepted Fellows to attend but we expect Fellows to generate reporting. Full FAQs and application available at:

Watch the 2022 Age Boom Academy Session moderated by KIRC’S Julia Yarbough

Honoring a Heavenly Birthday

This Sunday, July 2, 2023 is a bittersweet day for me. It is my mother’s birthday.

Mrs. Nellie P. Yarbough would have been 93. Angels came to collect Miss Nellie September 1, 2020.

There is not a day that passes in which I don’t think about her in some way, shape or form. I miss her in so many different ways. It is funny that quite often we don’t realize how our parents have shaped us until they are gone.

Caring for my mother in the final years and chapter of her life was the motivation for creating Keeping It REAL Caregiving. If only I knew THEN what I know NOW is part of my motto. I believe it is my duty to help others and advocate for improved awareness of caregiving realities.

As family caregivers, we all MUST help each other: share information, pass along lessons learned, lend a hand – or sometimes just be an ear.

Join me in sending up a little prayer for Miss Nellie; wherever she may be. I suspect she has found a BINGO hall somewhere in the afterlife.

And for all of you who have said goodbye to your loved ones, I wish the same prayers of support for you and your families.

Wishing all of you a safe holiday!

Until next time~

By |2023-07-02T17:59:15-07:00 2nd, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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