YOU’RE INVITED to Sunday Coffee Chat & Support Hour – Women’s History edition

YOU’RE INVITED…. To join Keeping it REAL Caregiving for the March Sunday Coffee Chat & Support Hour – Women’s History edition.
Sunday, March 6, 2022 – online
8:30 AM Pacific
10:30 AM Central
11:30 AM Eastern
This month, we are talking about caregiving within a specific health space and the intersection of how important it is to understand how we are managing our finances.
The topic is always timely, but as we focus this month on Women’s History, what better moment to discuss how women are directly impacted by caregiving and money (or in some cases, lack thereof).
Joining KIRC will be two special guests:
Kandis Draw, National Illinois Advocate-Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance.
Kandis also regularly contributes to various platforms focused on caregiving.
Look for more of her work soon, featured at Keeping it REAL Caregiving website
What is her ‘why’ for devoting time and energy to help others?
“My passion for Caregiving comes from truly living and experiencing how it affects your life in the present moments, and in the long run. As people of color, we are often hesitant to really reach out to others and allow outside resources to comfort us while dealing with a sick loved one.”
Also joining us for this latest Coffee Chat will be Charlene Rhinehart, CPA & Financial Journalist.
She is a fellow Bulletin Writer, (Chicago Southsider) and focuses much of her work on helping others understand the importance of managing their finances and why wealth-building is so vital for African Americans (both personally and professionally).

I am excited to invite both of these powerful women to the show because of their respective experience – and – I love that they are dedicated to helping others learn and grow!
Join us Sunday, March 6, 2022
8:30 AM Pacific
10:30 AM Central
11:30 AM Eastern
Where: Online
Be sure to grab your favorite cup of java or tea, and jump online. Come with your questions, comments, suggestions – or – just to listen and learn!

Other bulletin features on caregiving & finances
Yes … you REALLY DO have long term care options!
Sunday Coffee Chat & Support Hour
Missed our previous Sunday Coffee Chat & Support Hour events? Not to worry, you can catch up here:
Sunday Coffee Chat & Support Hour – Conservatorships
Sunday Coffee Chat & Support Hour – Q&A
Do you have an upcoming event you would like to share with others? Submit your events (in-person or online) here.
See you tomorrow!

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