YOU’RE INVITED: KIRC joins AARP leader for caregiving webinar

Hello KIRC fam!
I’d like to extend a warm WELCOME to our newest members – thank you for following the Keeping It REAL Caregiving newsletter! Please share our work with anyone you believe could benefit and/or has valuable insights to share and contribute.
I know it has been longer than usual since our last update. KIRC (me – Julia Yarbough), is in the process of reviewing this body of work (newsletter and website). The goal is to fine-tune the process of crafting valuable content, while also ensuring there is a healthy dose of personal self care involved.
*Self Care related articles
National Family Caregivers Month

November is recognized as National Family Caregivers Month. If you are living this role, you know first hand the ups and downs. For others, this is a time to educate yourselves about the staggering numbers of families coping with this reality, and how to prepare for when you become a caregiver.
THANK YOU to the millions of family members who are devoting time, attention, resources, and love to those in their charge. You are appreciated and valued!
It is not always an easy road. It can be emotionally, physically, and financially draining. I know. I have lived the journey. That is why I created Keeping It REAL Caregiving.
Throughout the rest of this month, KIRC will share other considerations and ways to support family caregivers and/or prepare yourselves for that reality.
When we join voices and share experiences I believe we CAN help each other and impact policy change. My personal experience of caring for my mother, Mrs. Nellie Yarbough, is the continual driving force to help others.
Despite the many hurdles family members must face, I am hopeful.
Why? Because an increasing number of organizations (federal, state, local, and independent) are finally realizing – we as a society MUST change how we care for our elders and for those providing the care.
As part of this month’s caregiving focus, I am excited to share with and invite all of you to join me for a virtual event this week, Thursday, November 9, 2023. KIRC will be part of an online event hosted by the California Black Health Network.
California Black Health Network

Health4Life Series
Caregiving and the Black Community – Navigating Resources
When: Thursday, November 9, 2023
Time: 12:00 PM Pacific
Where: Online – Virtual
Event Description: This series is designed to help the Black community become better prepared, plan for, and manage caring for an aging parent or loved one with health issues and in need of caregiving services and support. The final session 5 focuses on the steps necessary to navigate caregiving resources available to Black caregivers throughout California.
I am honored to join presenter Rita Choula Senior Director of Caregiving at the AARP Public Policy Institute, as part of this panel. I hope you’ll register and join us!
Register here for the event.
To learn more about the California Black Health Network and the organization’s work, click here.
The U.S. Census Bureau

Virtual Workshop on Advancing Research on Race, Ethnicity and Inequality
When: Tuesday and Wednesday, November 14 – 15, 2023
Time: 5:30 AM – 2:00 PM Pacific
Where: Virtual- online
Event description: The U.S. Census Bureau is convening a virtual workshop on Advancing Research on Race, Ethnicity and Inequality November 14-15. This event will bring together new perspectives on how data resources can be better leveraged to measure the dimensions of race and ethnicity within the U.S. population and to investigate ways to identify systemic race/ethnic inequalities in U.S. society.
Visit this webpage for more information and to register. (Scheduled for November 14-15.)
Register here for the U.S. Census Bureau event
Assistance resources

If you or a loved one needs additional help for health care options, services, or perhaps even food assistance, remember you can check out Programs and offerings vary by region, so click into your state to find what is available in your area.
According to the official website, the description is as follows: offers connections not only to federal government resources, but also to state and local benefits. Many programs, including Unemployment Insurance, Medicaid, and SNAP, are often joint state and federal initiatives. The new Browse by State feature allows you to search for relevant benefits available in your state, territory, or providence.
Resource Guide for Employers

Support Caregiving is a compilation of several national-level organizations working within the fields of health, aging, and caregiving.
As family caregivers, many of you know one of the challenges is juggling our professional work obligations with our duties at home. There is now a roadmap for employers and HR professionals that can be used as an increasing number of employees are facing the work vs. family caregiving reality.
If you are an employer or work within your firm’s human resources department, I encourage you to review and consider this Resource Guide for Employers.
From the Support Caregiving Website:
Addressing caregiving responsibilities while in the workplace will likely affect most — if not all — workers at some point. It is estimated there are 53 million people providing informal, often unpaid care to loved ones in the United States. Without proper support, these workers must juggle significant familial and professional responsibilities that can either hinder their ability to work or completely remove them from the workforce. The loss of income connected to family caregiving amounts to an estimated $522 billion each year.
Call to Action: Home Care Staffing Regulations

Submission Deadline: TOMORROW, Monday, November 6, 2023
From Justice in Aging
Poor nursing home care often occurs because of inadequate staffing. The good news is that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has proposed regulations to set firm staffing standards for nursing homes across the country.
Learn more about the issue and send your comments to the federal department of regulations before November 6th. Make sure your voice is heard!
*NOTE: I submitted a comment this morning, so there is still time. If you have had any experiences with staffing issues that impacted you and or your loved ones, consider taking a few minutes today to submit a comment.
Thank you for being a part of the Keeping It REAL Caregiving community. I enjoy writing this newsletter and offering little nuggets that might help someone in some way.
In the coming days/weeks, I’ll be sharing thoughts (and asking for input) on what the goals and direction of KIRC will be as we head into 2024 and beyond.
And remember…
*️⃣ Be sure to check out our video archives at the KIRC YouTube Channel including episodes of past Sunday Coffee Chats.
*️⃣ Keeping It REAL Caregiving is a proud member of the California Coalition on Family Caregiving. Learn more here and how you can get involved.

Until Next Time~

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