Caring Across Communities Named 2024 Power Saver Rewards Grantee
Being 80 Living in Today’s Version of How We Treat Older Adults
caregivingbyjulia2024-06-23T19:40:52-07:00What is Next50? Glad you asked! Next 50 is an endowment. The visionary role and leadership for Kaldes is to build stronger relationships across the aging sector, while also creating an improved aging future for all of us.
Celebrating Black History and Caregiving in North Carolina
caregivingbyjulia2023-02-05T18:02:34-08:00Celebrating Black History and Caregiving in North Carolina is a story that truly comes from the heart. As we honor the history, legacies and accomplishments of those who have come before us (and those yet to create), I invite you to consider that Black History is a history for all of us. The accomplishments ...
Boosting Alternatives to Nursing Homes Takes Center Stage in Legislature
caregivingbyjulia2023-01-01T09:25:10-08:00Boosting Alternatives to Nursing Homes Takes Center Stage in Legislature By Sarah Hollander , January 01, 2023 12:00 AM That’s the assessment of AARP Michigan, which will push for expanding those options during the state’s 2023 legislative session. “We know that 89 percent of Michiganders do not want to step foot in a nursing ...
Keeping It REAL Caregiving Newsletter Named Featured Publication for 2022 on Substack
caregivingbyjulia2022-12-22T14:16:09-08:00Keeping It REAL Caregiving is proud to announce our weekly newsletter at SUBSTACK has been selected as a 2022 Featured Publication for the publishing platform! Congratulations are in order for each of you who has read an article, subscribed and/or shared a post with anyone within your circle - THANK YOU! We share this ...
What the heck is Gerontology? What you need to know
caregivingbyjulia2022-12-22T09:06:06-08:00What the heck is Gerontology? and why you should care cuts to the issue at hand: our population is aging. That means each and every one of us should begin thinking about our own care and that of our families. In this episode of Keeping It REAL Caregiving On-Air, we catch up with a ...
UCLA researcher says do these 3 things when identifying Alzheimer’s Disease
caregivingbyjulia2022-12-22T10:33:42-08:00Keeping It REAL Caregiving talks with a UCLA researcher who says to do these three things when identifying Alzheimer's Disease. Cultural challenges in Alzheimer's Disease diagnosis and care exist. In fact, there may also be more at work than just medical science when it comes to proper diagnosis. Could cultural differences in how families view ...
Aging LGBTQ and Why it Matters
caregivingbyjulia2022-12-22T09:40:40-08:00Aging LGBTQ and Why it Matters explores growing awareness of the need for recognizing all segments of an aging population. In this episode of Keeping It REAL Caregiving On-Air, we are diving into not one, but two societal issues and how they are connected. Diversity and Equity What does it mean to age when one ...
COURTESY AARP: Next Year May See Nursing Home Staffing Requirements, Sen. Barker Says
caregivingbyjulia2022-07-19T18:01:27-07:00COURTESY AARP: Next Year May See Nursing Home Staffing Requirements, Sen. Barker Says By Larry Lipman , July 12, 2022 08:54 AM Despite the General Assembly’s rejection this year of efforts to set minimum staffing requirements in nursing homes, state Sen. George Barker said such efforts may finally succeed next year. “As long as we ...
Equity in Aging Advisory Committee hears from REAL caregivers
caregivingbyjulia2022-12-30T12:28:05-08:00Equity in Aging Advisory Committee hears from REAL caregivers. This event is a testament to the power of our collective voices. California Department of Aging I am honored and humbled to have had the opportunity to join the California Department of Aging and the Equity in Aging Advisory Committee. My role was as ...