SHARING is the greatest form of flattery –

Hello KIRC family ~
For this update, I would like to extend a HUGE ‘thank you’ to Justice in Aging. The work this team of advocates, attorneys, researchers, and aging industry experts focuses on and shares can be valuable for all of us.
As many of you know, Keeping It REAL Caregiving is my one-woman effort to share news and information, connect fellow caregivers, and offer up guidance. In this case, I thought the information in this JIA briefing update was valuable top to bottom. Check it out!
Below is one of the most recent compilations of national issues JIA is now focusing on. Rather than paraphrasing, I am sharing with all of you most of the full update (edited for brevity).

Here’s what we’re watching in Washington:
Older Adult Poverty Rate Increased Again In 2022
The U.S. Census Bureau published its annual reports on Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the U.S. The reports show that the official poverty rate of 11.5% was not statistically different between 2021 and 2022. However, for the first time since 2010, the overall Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) rate increased, from 7.8% in 2021 to 12.4% in 2022. The SPM is considered to be a more accurate measure of poverty because it includes noncash income and other expenses, such as medical costs, not counted in the official measure. Among older adults, the official poverty measure stayed nearly the same at 10.2% but the SMP increased from 10.7% to 14.1%. As in previous years, women were more likely than men and people of color more likely than white, non-Hispanic people to be living in poverty. Older American Indians and Alaska Natives experienced the biggest increase in the SPM from 14% in 2021 to 23% in 2022. Learn more below about Justice in Aging’s work to modernize the Supplement Security Income (SSI), a key anti-poverty program for older adults.
The percentage of people with health insurance for all or part of 2022 increased slightly to 92.1%, while almost 26 million people did not have health insurance at any point. The Medicaid continuous coverage provisions during the COVID-19 public health emergency contributed to the record low uninsured rate in 2022. However, states are now redetermining Medicaid eligibility and many people who are still eligible, including low-income older adults, are losing coverage and assistance with Medicare cost-sharing due to procedural reasons like paperwork not being timely processed. Justice in Aging’s resources on how to help older adults during Medicaid unwinding are available on our website.
Bipartisan SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act Introduced
On Tuesday, Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and U.S. Representatives Brian Higgins (D-NY-26) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA-1) introduced the SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act (S. 2767/HR 5408). The bipartisan legislation would raise SSI asset limits from $2,000 to $10,000 for individuals and from $3,000 to $20,000 for married couples, and index asset limits to inflation. Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR), Susan Collins (R-ME), Bob Casey (D-PA), and James Lankford (R-OK) are original Senate cosponsors.
Read more in this letter of support from 370 aging and disability advocacy organizations. Take action by writing a message to Congress to show your support for the SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act and sharing Justice in Aging’s post on Twitter.
Resources to Respond to CMS’s Proposed Nursing Home Staffing Rule
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released proposed federal regulations for establishing minimum staffing standards in nursing facilities. Inadequate staffing is at the root of poor care, and establishing solid staffing standards is something consumer advocates have been calling on CMS to implement for decades. Proposed standards fall short of the 4.1 hours of direct care that were found to be necessary in a CMS-commissioned study over 20 years ago. Advocates have the opportunity to provide feedback and it is imperative that CMS hear from the public on the pros and cons of the current proposal.
Learn more in The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care’s Webinar – Unpacking CMS’s Proposed Nursing Home Staffing Rule. Anyone concerned with nursing facility quality is encouraged to submit comments at or using AFL-CIO’s Better Care Now tool by the November 6 deadline. Justice in Aging is analyzing the proposed regulations further to identify potential problems and how the final regulations could be improved and will continue to share resources with our network.
COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters Approved
This week the CDC authorized updated COVID-19 vaccine boosters for everyone age 6 months and older. People with Medicare can get the updated vaccine with $0 cost sharing. Medicaid and private insurance will also continue to cover the COVID-19 boosters and the new Bridge Access Program will provide vaccines to people who are uninsured. The updated vaccines are especially timely as data shows COVID-19 rates are rising again in nursing facilities.
In addition, under the prescription drug provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act, vaccines under Medicare Part D, including the new RSV vaccine recommended for older adults this fall, are also covered with $0 cost sharing.
New Justice in Aging Resources
Federal Government Proposes Minimum Nursing Facility Staffing Standards (9/5)
Accessing Dental Care in Medicare Duals Special Needs Plans: Tell Us Your Story (8/17)
New Tips and Updated Federal Resources on Medicaid Unwinding (8/2)
Upcoming Justice in Aging Webinar
Free Webinar: Medi-Cal Updates and the Medi-Cal Unwinding (9/20)
New from the National Center on Law & Elder Rights (NCLER)
On September 26th, NCLER will host a training on Preventing Tax Foreclosures for Older Adults: Accessing Tax Relief Options. This training will focus on one of the most important ways to prevent tax foreclosure: ensuring that low-income and older homeowners have access to all available exemptions and discounts. Presenters will provide an overview of the available options, including abatements and exemptions, and strategies to ensure your client is maximizing all available benefits to avoid the risk of losing their home. Register for the webinar and get more information.
The NCLER website was temporarily down due to technical issues, but it is now live with resources from the most recent trainings. We are working to provide you with the most up-to-date information to serve older adults and will continue to make updates regularly and add additional resources to the site. Visit NCLER’s Recent & Upcoming Trainings Page.
New & Updated Federal Resources
ACL: The Rehab Act Turns 50 (September)
Other New Resources
Disparities Among Medicare Beneficiaries Experiencing Difficulty with Activities of Daily Living, ATI Advisory and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Age-Friendly Health – September Issue, Health Affairs
Emergency Rental Assistance in Action, National Low Income Housing Coalition
Research Letter: Oral Health Among Medicare Beneficiaries in Nursing Homes, JAMA Network Open
Estimating the Cost and Effects of Adding a Dental Benefit to Medicare Part B, Urban Institute
The Private Plan Pitch: Seniors’ Experiences with Medicare Marketing and Advertising, The Commonwealth Fund
Medicare Advantage Enrollment, Plan Availability and Premiums in Rural Areas, KF
I hope this information proves helpful for you and or someone in your household. It is not always easy staying on top of the issues and changes taking place within the field of aging, so again – THANK YOU to Justice in Aging for the dedication!
Keeping It REAL Caregiving would like to welcome our latest newsletter subscribers and say THANK YOU to those of you who support my efforts and this work.
I would also like to invite you to check out the Julia Yarbough Media Group YouTube page, which is home to the Keeping It REAL Caregiving video archives. Help me reach a goal of 500 subscribers before the end of October! Thank you in advance 🙂
*Note: The Keeping It REAL Caregiving newsletter is a free subscription, but paid subscriptions are greatly appreciated as well!
Until next time~

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