🎇Holiday Event🎇 Don’t Miss Out on hiring your own private reporter! Join the KIRC Supporting Sponsors Private ☕️Coffee Chat: Holiday Edition

This 4th of July, Keeping It REAL Caregiving would like to invite you to consider marking 2022 INDEPENDENCE DAY by joining us for a brief Holiday Edition of our Coffee Chat for Supporting Sponsors.
When: Monday, July 4, 2022
Time: 9:00 AM – 9:30AM (Pacific)
Where: ZOOM http://tinyurl.com/rh3hw8yx
Who: Supporting Sponsors
KIRC is heading into its second year and the time is NOW to actively dig out more information, stories, resources and ways for all of us to connect and drive change! I’m excited for what the months ahead have in store.
I want to hear from and connect directly with YOU!
This will be a private zoom session
Don’t worry, we’ll keep it short and sweet!
What information do you need?
What topics are of most interest?
Are there individuals or agencies you would like to hear from?
This is your chance to make a direct request for story coverage.
I know this is totally last minute – but sometimes, that’s how news works. For those of you just joining the KIRC movement that’s my background.
I spent 25-plus years as a broadcast news Anchor and Reporter, working in major cities, including Miami and Los Angeles. Going after stories and information is in my blood.
Now, I work for you!
Hope you’ll join me for this special HOLIDAY EDITION: Supporting Sponsors Coffee Chat event.
See you then!

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