What we should know about nursing homes, Medicare, Aging Fellowships & a KIRC event!

Hello Keeping It REAL Caregiving family!
For all the football fans out there – hey, I hope your team wins!
For all the family caregivers out there – if your loved one is a football fan, I hope you can find a bit of time to sit still and enjoy the game together!
My mother always enjoyed watching the San Francisco 49’ers play. She and a longtime Bingo friend would trade letters discussing how well (or not so well) the team was doing from season to season! Good stuff and fond memories.
I digress… Today – a few quick items to share with you that really do impact all of us.
Nursing homes: Who owns the facility?

There are renewed efforts and to bring greater awareness to the importance of making nursing home ownership more transparent for consumers. Findings in a new report from the Government Accountability Office indicate:
The nursing home ownership information presented on Care Compare does not
align with the characteristics of effective transparency tools. For example, Care
Compare does not allow consumers to easily identify relationships, such as
common ownership, and patterns related to quality across nursing homes under
common ownership. Therefore, it is difficult for consumers to know whether a
given owner is associated with nursing homes of high or low quality.
This 39-page report is worth the time and effort to review and understand. Bottom line: when we can trace and track who or which entities own facilities, we are better prepared to make more informated choices and hold owners accountable when (if) services fall short.
Check out the full report here
Medicare: Stay in the Know

Medicare Home Health Coverage & Updates
Thursday, February 23, 2023
11:30a – 1pm Pacific
Event description: Sponsored by California Health Advocates Senior Medicare Patrol, this presentation will review the services the Medicare home health benefit covers, including skilled nursing; physical, occupational, and speech therapy; medical social services; and home health aides. It will also include an SMP fraud update.
Save the Date
What does the future hold for Medicare? It is a hot topic that garners a great deal of media attention and offers easy sound-bite talking points for politicians. But what should all of us be paying attention to when it comes to our futures and Medicare coverage? What say do we have in policy decisions impacting millions of Americans?
Thursday, February 16, 2023
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Eastern
Event description: Join the Bipartisan Policy Center for a conversation on the future of Medicare. Our experts will address what a divided Congress means for Medicare, as well as short- and long-term policy options for lawmakers.
Aging Policy Fellowship Opportunity

Interested in applying to become a Health and Aging Policy Fellow? Now is your chance.
Background and Objectives: With an aging population, one of the greatest challenges for the U.S. is ensuring that policies provide the best possible quality of life for all across all dimensions of society – from the communities where we live, the transportation we depend on, the food we eat, and the health care we receive. Success will require the translation of cutting-edge science and practical clinical experience into sound health policy. The goal of the Health and Aging Policy Fellows Program is to provide professionals in health and aging with the experience and skills necessary to help lead this effort, and in so doing, shape a healthy and productive future for older Americans.
Information and registration here
Join the Keeping It REAL Caregiving event: Intergenerational Gerontology Alliance: E. Percil Stanford Lecture & Seminar Series

Thursday, February 16, 2023
1:30pm – 3:00 pm Pacific
Event description: Join Keeping It REAL Caregiving and San Diego State University in collaboration with the Intergenerational Gerontology Alliance for this virtual event.
On behalf of the Intergenerational Gerontology Alliance (IGA), you are invited to join the the 2nd IGA-sponsored event series in the E. Percil Stanford Lecture & Seminar Series on Caregiving.
When: Thursday, February 16, 2023
Time: 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Pacific)
Where: Hybrid (Zoom and the Aztec Student Union Park BLVD Rm# 141)
This is the THIRD of four hybrid events sponsored by the Intergenerational Gerontology Alliance, where we will explore issues in the field of aging.
Please register here for the no-cost event: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/504091480187
Hope to see you then – and bring your questions, insights and personal experiences to share with the students!
Until next time~

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