REGISTER NOW for the next Sunday Coffee Chat & Support! Hear from our special guest – an internationally renowned veterinarian who guides us through losing our best friends
Hello KIRC family!
I would like to first say THANK YOU to all of you who are joining this KIRC journey of sharing information, offering support and trading viewpoints regarding caregiving.
It has been overwhelming to my soul to hear from many of you about your personal experiences and the willingness to provide ideas and suggestions for others moving into the role. Let’s keep it going!

Sunday Coffee Chat & Support Session
This week, I’m super excited to invite you to what I believe is going to be an inspiring and heartwarming Sunday Coffee Chat & Support Session!

Sunday, November 13, 2022
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM (Pacific)
Virtual – Online – Register here
Keeping It REAL Caregiving will be joined by a very special guest.
Join us as we welcome Dr. Don J. Harris, a nationally and internationally renowned veterinarian specializing in the unique care of exotic animals. He is based in South Florida but has traveled the globe providing heart-of-gold care to animals of all shapes, sizes and EXOTIC nature.
Have you experienced a moment in life, especially as a caregiver, when you realize you are devoting a great deal of attention and love to your pets? What happens when it comes time to say goodbye – how do cope with the loss? It can sometimes be just as – if not more painful than losing a human loved-one.
Dr. Harris will share his expertise and unique perspective that comes from caring for thousands of animals – and their owners – on how to move through this unique kind of caregiving grief.
*Note: This virtual event is limited to 100 people. Admission is available on a first-come, first-served basis, but will be recorded for future sharing.*
For this session, KIRC decided to move over to ZOOM – which means we can see each other and connect.
This is the first time I’m hosting a zoom session for our Coffee Chat, so let’s all cross our fingers that all goes smoothly!
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Part of the motivation for this Coffee Chat came from all of you! After saying goodbye to my beloved KitKat – AND – losing my chicken girls in the same week, the outpouring of kindness and support was overwhelming.

It got me thinking of how similar the love we have for our animals is to the care we provide our loved ones. If you missed it, check out the article here.
*Caregiver no more- What happens when you lose your entire family in 24-hours?
A bit of background
I met Dr. Harris several years ago while living and working in South Florida. He was kind enough to tend to KitKat and we have remained friends since.
At that time, Dr. Harris also had performed a wonderful life-saving procedure on a tortoise who had swallowed a rather unusual pendant. The story traveled from South Florida, to New York, and to news outlets all across the globe!
If there is anyone who loves and cherishes animals of all kinds with true compassion and respect, it is Dr. Harris, and we are honored to have him share his expertise with us.
So, I hope you’ll join us. Be sure to register. Space is limited to 100, so lock in your spot now. Hope to see you then!
Until next time~

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