YOU’RE INVITED! Set your clocks, jump on the computer, and join Keeping It REAL Caregiving as we celebrate alongside the American Society on Aging!

You are cordially invited to help KIRC celebrate the completion of the American Society on Aging ASA Rise Fellowship Program! I am super excited about this newsletter update and proud to share the information with you!!

We’ve talked about this program before, but in ICYMI…
From The American Society on Aging
The field of aging needs more leaders of color—and a modern, sustainable leadership program to support them. Aging in the United States has never been an equitable experience across the barriers of economic and social justice. Exacerbating this issue is the fact that those who can best drive the change we need are often the people who were raised, live and work in the communities most affected by these inequities. And so, much too often, the same inequities and lack of justice that require our response are those that prevent the most qualified people from having access to lead that response.
The ASA Rise Fellowship Program has been a six-month learning journey, to gain a deeper understanding of the role diversity, equity and inclusion (or in many cases, the lack thereof) plays within our healthcare and aging systems.
I applied for this opportunity in 2021. In fact, I shared the application information with all of you, to make sure we leave no stone overturned when it comes to accessing additional knowledge of the U.S. aging industry.
Once selected, I joined more than two-dozen other professionals from all varying aspects of the aging field;
Social workers
Care planners
Tech designers
Aging agency directors
Housing specialists and…
The incredible aspect to this, is that each of these accomplished professionals represents a member of the BIPOC community (Black, Indigenous, people of color).
Sobering data & lessons-learned
Our syllabus has been intense and at times disheartening, infuriating, and somewhat fearful.
The more one learns and understands of the role implicit bias and structures created around racist belief systems play in many everyday decisions – including those within the healthcare and aging space – the more difficult it becomes to ignore how those systems play out for so many Americans.
Mind you, this is not a ‘point-the-finger-at-White-people’ thing. No, this is about how do we as a society honestly look at the current systems in place designed to to help an aging population AND help those caring for them while recognizing the deck is stacked against many Americans.

As part of this training, I also attended the American Society on Aging ‘On Aging’ conference in New Orleans.
Related Articles from ASA On Aging, New Orleans, 2022
Do you have any idea what is in your wallet or if it will be enough?
What do bed bugs and medicare have in common? More than you might think!

Julia Yarbough/Keeping It REAL Caregiving/ASA On Aging Conference, New Orleans, April, 2022
The experience has given me a renewed drive to continue working to share information, stories, and resources with all you.
The Girl Who Cried Wolf
I consider myself ‘The Girl Who Cried Wolf.’ PAY ATTENTION!!!
Too many of us are failing to pay attention to the seriousness of what an aging nation means.
Too many people want to believe it will never happen to them or their families.
Too many people want to put off making plans until a crisis is slapping them in the face.

If you don’t believe me, then I invite you to be an online audience member to hear the in-depth and well-crafted presentations which my fellow ASA Rise Fellows will be presenting this week on the Allyship for Aging.
You have two groups to join:
The Accomplices
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM Pacific
Join via zoom at:
The Co-Conspirators (my group)
Thursday,June 30, 2022
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM Pacific.
Join via zoom at:
I hope you’ll join us to hear more about what we’ve all learned, and how we now plan to apply it to drive change!
Are YOU ready to be an Ally in Aging? Join the discussion to share what you are willing to do as we move forward!
Until next time,

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