Hello 2023 – thank you 2022!
Keeping It REAL Caregiving wishes you and yours a happy and safe New Year!
Thank you to the entire KIRC tribe for making 2022 a year of learning and growth. We accomplished a great deal – work that we can all be proud of.
As we wind down the clock in the final hours of this year, I’d like to take this opportunity to share some of the highlights and featured stories you may have missed from Keeping It REAL Caregiving, both here in our newsletter and at our website.
I’d also like to invite you to check out the Keeping It REAL Caregiving YouTube page. If you haven’t yet, be sure to SUBSCRIBE so when new videos are posted you won’t miss a thing!

A caregiver no more: What happens when you lose your entire family in 24-hours?
Can my wife get paid for being my family caregiver? She’s already doing the work
Learning from the Wheels of Life: How I went from caregiver to advocate in 4-steps
What happens when we lose someone we love? How one researcher is helping us learn to cope
A handful of DIY caregiving hacks that saved our household and might help yours
Catch me I’m falling! Readers share even MORE handy DIY caregiving hacks for household safety
Let’s commit to making 2023 one of the most impactful years within the fields of aging, caregiving, and raising awareness.
Thank you again for being on this journey – we have made tremendous strides in a short amount of time. 2023 will bring more opportunities for more of you to get involved with and support the work of Keeping It REAL Caregiving.
I am truly honored to be in this role and excited for what the future holds for all of us!
Happy New Year~

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