Call for applicants: Will you be the next Program Manager for the American Society on Aging?

Hello KIRC family!
Keeping It REAL Caregiving would like to share with all of you some information regarding an exciting employment opportunity.
In this update, I’d also like to point your attention to several articles penned by colleagues within the aging space.
So let’s get to it!
Employment Opportunity
The American Society on Aging has announced it has an opening for the role of Program Manager.
As you may recall, yours truly, is one of 32 individuals holding the distinction of being an ASA Rise Fellow for 2022.
For the first six months of this year we studied the intersection of aging, health, diversity, equity and inclusion across many service sectors. It was an eye-opening, educational and sometimes emotionally difficult journey.
I encourage you to visit the American Society on Aging website, take a look around and discover some of the many programs, webinars, educational tools and resources available (some require membership).
What is the role of Program Manager?
According to the job posting description here’s an overview of what the position entails:
Program Manager –
Reports To: Director, Programs and Thought Leadership. What you get to do: The Program Manager will lead the creation, production and presentation of ASA’s stellar virtual programming to our growing membership, with equity at the center. The manager will elevate the Program and Thought Leadership team of professionals with functional knowledge of the field of aging and previous success supporting a membership constituency. Remaining relevant with ASA’s areas of focus, coupled with curiosity and the capability of engaging in conversations with and offering probing questions to professionals and experts in the field of aging, you will provide an exceptional educational and instructive virtual learning experience. Excellent project management, attention to the tiniest of details, probative research, and active communication skills, with a dash of innovation and a sincere desire to create good work, will lend themselves nicely to your success in managing ASA’s continuing education program “soup to nuts”
If you believe you or anyone in your network fits the bill, consider applying, as the position will be open until filled.
Send all candidate materials to:
Related ASA articles
KIRC is also proud to share with you several articles recently penned by fellow ASA Rise Fellows.
You may remember Kelly G. Loeb.
Earlier this year she explained to us the resources we could access through our State SHIP counselor (Remember – that’s a State Health Insurance Assistance Program).
Need a refresher on this resource? Check out the article here:
What do bed bugs and medicare have in common? More than you might think
In this most recent article, Kelly outlines why acknowledging disproportionate access to resources is an important growth step. She paints a clear picture of how disparities can play out and even perpetuate based on our choice of words.
Cultural Humility Call to Action

ASA Rise Fellow Zaire Sims also recently shared a poignant personal story which highlights some of the very real challenges faced by older adults. I hope you’ll take the time to read both of these insightful pieces.
From Surviving, to Flourishing, to Nourishing

KIRC applauds both Kelly and Zaire as well all of the ASA Rise Program Fellows for raising their voices to impact change and raise awareness within various aspects of the aging field.
I would like to wrap up by saying THANK YOU for the growing and continued support for Keeping It REAL Caregiving.
I appreciate all of you who have subscribed and read this newsletter.
Feedback is welcome and feel free to jump into the discussion box with questions, ideas, and suggestions for future coverage!
And remember…
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Until next time~

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