Caregiving while Black: Yes, there are some unique experiences and challenges to consider
KIRC joins the California Black Health Network and AARP webinar
Hello KIRC fam~
Caregiving while Black. Yes, there are some unique experiences and challenges to consider. Many family caregivers experience similar hurdles, regardless of where you live, your race, religion, or background. It is no wonder the issue of caregiving and how to improve the landscape tends to garner wide support across all segments of our population (at last… something people can agree on!)
But for Black family caregivers, there can also be an entirely different (and sometimes more challenging) set of circumstances that one must think about and be prepared to navigate. I experienced some of those myself, during the time of caring for my mother.
Doctors talking to us as if we could not possibly understand the conversation.
Care teams questioning whether my mother was truly ‘experiencing’ what she was explaining about her health.
Assumptions regarding the level of insurance coverage and/or finances at play…
Sad, but true. I am glad I was able to be a solid advocate for my mother when these moments presented.
There were instances along the way in which I had to ask different questions of those who would be involved in my mom’s care. Not because I didn’t believe these individuals were qualified, but rather, because I suspected (based on location and population statistics) there was a strong likelihood many of them may had never interacted on a personal level with a Black person. Add to that, an elder with a completely different life experience.
Simply asking, “Are there any persons of color on your staff?” seemed to create angst for several care facility administrators I talked with. Cultural awareness and sensitivity matters.
Keeping It REAL Caregiving joined The California Black Health Network and AARP: Caring and the Black Community as a featured speaker for this webinar event.
This series is designed to help the Black community become better prepared, plan for, and manage caring for an aging parent or loved one with health issues and in need of caregiving services and support. The final session 5 focuses on the steps necessary to navigate caregiving resources available to Black caregivers throughout California.
Do you lead a team providing family caregiving services and/or support? Learn more about caregiving for diverse populations – check out the Diverse Elders Coalition ToolKit.
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